Monday, March 17, 2008

Suggestions anyone?

I thought I would update everyone on how I'm feeling. Although I haven't technically been "sick" I can definitely tell I'm pregnant! I've been extremely tired for several weeks now--I have to resist taking a nap at work! Nausea is pretty much a part of each day--and it sticks around until sometime after dinner. I'm constantly hungry, yet NOTHING ever sounds good to eat! Of course, I find something that sounds remotely appetizing so we don't starve :) So, I thought I would ask all of you moms out there for any suggestions you may have. What helped you make it through each day? Was there anything in particular you did to help ease the nausea? Any suggestions or ideas you have will be greatly appreciated! I'm trying not to complain about all of these fun signs and symptoms of pregnancy--to me they are a sign that everything is going just as it should be--I just want to try and minimize what I can! Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts and prayers during this crucial time in our pregnancy. We love all of you!


April said...

well.... throughout my 36+ months of pregnancy there have been MANY cravings and sick feelings... I just deal with them though... and I'm just so ready for me to finally give birth!! haha... ok i had to say something like that. to everybody else who reads this... it's just a joke... i'm referring to my "food baby." :) i love you melinda!

Cheryl said...

For me, NOTHING helped get rid of the nausea (except it didn't stop there for me). However, some of the more common things to try are:
1. Keep crackers or something with you so that you're lightly snacking at all times and your stomach never gets completely empty.
2. Ginger is supposed to soothe your stomach - ginger pills (in the vitamin / herbal sections of stores), ginger cookies (ginger snaps), ginger in your food, etc...
3. Vitamin B12 is supposed to help

For me, the most calming thing for my nausea was a warm bath. I think I took a bath (no bath salts or bubbles though) every night of my pregnancy. The water over my tummy just seemed to help.

Tracy Williams said...

Oh, the fun "all day sickness" as I called it! I quickly corrected people when they called it just morning sickness. ;) I can not remember much that helped me...crackers and 7 Up did not do the trick and actually made me more sick to my stomach. I did find these ginger candies at Motherhood, I think that is where I got them. Water really helped me too...lots of water and those little hard candies. Luckily mine went away a little into my 2nd trimester...hopefully yours will too! Oh, and about being SO tired...I took naps any chance I got. I would always lay down after work for a few minutes. Good luck and we are praying for you all!
Thanks for our message! We are moving to the Atlanta area...not sure exactly where yet, but some suburb. :)

Anonymous said...

It helped me to keep something light in my stomach as often as possible whether it be water, crackers, fruit, something you like. My nausea typically was worse on a completely empty stomach, but there's a catch I also felt worse when I overate. One thing I know for sure is that when I was pregnant with Brittney my nausea stopped at 12 weeks, but with the boys I felt nauseated the entire pregnancy. Hang in there! Hopefully it will soon pass! -Angel

**Punkydoop's World** said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you both!
Sickness.....ahhh......yes I had it almost my whole pregnancy and just like Angel I just had to keep something light in my stomach. if I ever got hungry it was worse. But it did go away in the 2nd trimester so there is hope! The tiredness - I was tired at the beginning and the end but the middle was great. just take cat naps whenever you can and take it easy!
if you need anything, please call!! We will get together for dinner real soon!

Talk to you soon!

Leah said...

Hi Melinda! I found your blog in a round about way! Vikki Boyett had a link to your Aunt's blog, which led me here. I will just say ditto to most of the advice the other gals have given you. Things like fruit, juices, crackers always helped me and it did make it worse if I got too hungry and didn't keep something light on my stomach.
I am 28 weeks with my 2nd, and luckily all that passed when I hit my second trimester with both. Hopefully your won't last the entire time! Congratulations!