Monday, March 17, 2008

Suggestions anyone?

I thought I would update everyone on how I'm feeling. Although I haven't technically been "sick" I can definitely tell I'm pregnant! I've been extremely tired for several weeks now--I have to resist taking a nap at work! Nausea is pretty much a part of each day--and it sticks around until sometime after dinner. I'm constantly hungry, yet NOTHING ever sounds good to eat! Of course, I find something that sounds remotely appetizing so we don't starve :) So, I thought I would ask all of you moms out there for any suggestions you may have. What helped you make it through each day? Was there anything in particular you did to help ease the nausea? Any suggestions or ideas you have will be greatly appreciated! I'm trying not to complain about all of these fun signs and symptoms of pregnancy--to me they are a sign that everything is going just as it should be--I just want to try and minimize what I can! Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts and prayers during this crucial time in our pregnancy. We love all of you!

Friday, March 7, 2008

We're Prego! :)

Well, the moment we've waited for has finally come! We're pregnant! Two days ago we went to the doctor and saw our baby's heartbeat for the first time. Peanut (that's what we're calling it for now) was exactly 6 weeks old yesterday. We're so excited to be parents, and for the Murphster (our dog) to be a big brother! My next appointment is on the 31st of March when Peanut will be almost 10 weeks old, and somewhere between the size of a medium olive and a small plumb! Haha! I'll try to keep this blog updated often so you can hear about all of my adventures to Mommy-hood (and Daddy-hood, although Geoff is nowhere near the computer right now)! Please keep us in your prayers!