Monday, November 29, 2010

Back in Action!

Yes, I've been a blogging slacker.

I apologize.

I can't promise I will do a better job, but I will try.

And yes, I know you've heard that before :)

ANYHOW...the last 3-4 months have been so busy for us! We spent almost a month at the beach, took two trips to the hospital with Arden, she started school, she spent 10 days with her grandparents in Michigan, Geoff surprised me with a trip to Washington DC for my 30th birthday, Halloween, celebrating birthdays, and most recently--Thanksgiving! Not to mention all of my Dr. appointments, re-arranging rooms to get ready for Tucker, picking out a nursery design and fabrics...I could go on and on. I realize things are not going to slow down for us anytime soon but we are still trying to enjoy every day we are blessed with!

I've done a couple of separate posts with LOTS of pictures so keep scrolling to read those.

I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and are enjoying the start to this holiday season!


April said...

I love all of your new posts!! I also love how you included pictures and updates of Silas so I don't feel like I have to update my blog anytime soon! :) We truly are blessed with 2 of the cutest kiddos I've ever seen... and it's so fun to watch them grow up together!

Stacy said...

Thank you for the comment! We were so happy how the card turned out. Love your posts. Arden is such a beautiful little girl. I can't wait to see pics of the little boy when he arrives. I also hope to make it down sometime with the family. Happy Holidays and take care!