Our sweet baby boy is growing so fast!
How have we already gone from this
to this?!
At 6.5 months, Tucker:
Weighs 20 lbs. and is 27.5 in long (90th percentile for both)
Is sitting unassisted (started around 5.5 months)
Scoots EVERYWHERE! (also started around 5.5 months)
Occasionally uses his hands and knees to move---it won't be long before he is crawling
Loves to pull-up on everything--even tries to "walk" along the furniture he is holding onto
Eats avocados, pears, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, and peas
HATES cereal of any kind
Loves his sippy cup...for chewing on the spout ;)
Has taken a few sips from a straw
Has poopie problems just like Arden did at this exact age (NOT fun!)
Loves laughing and playing with Arden---and Mommy and Daddy love watching this :)
Seems so much happier now that he is mobile
Can sleep 5-6 hours at a time---if he wants to :)
Goes anywhere from 3-6 hours between feedings
Prefers to fall asleep in his crib over anywhere else---including mommy's arms :(
Hasn't cut any teeth---but we expect to see some very soon!
Wears a size 3 diaper, but this may not last too much longer
Is already in the clingy phase---he doesn't like strangers to talk to him even when I'm holding him!
Prefers his Mommy over anyone else....but I think Arden is a close 2nd :)
Is generally a very happy and easy baby!
Tucker Gerrit, we cannot believe half of your first year of life is already behind us. We love watching you grow and learn new things every day. You are a sweet, happy boy and we love you so much!