Arden has changed so much over the last couple of months. She is crawling all over the place, pulling up and walking along the furniture, babbling non-stop, and just having tons of fun! She can stand unassisted for a few seconds, but once she realizes no one is holding her, she panics! I have a feeling she will be walking soon, because she LOVES to walk when she has help. One of Arden's favorite things to do is to put EVERYTHING in her mouth! I know this is a phase all babies/children go through, but I'm praying she gets over this quickly! She puts everything in her mouth--fuzz from our wool rugs, pieces of paper, crumbs, and even bugs! I pulled a dead caterpillar out of her mouth the other day---YUMMY! She definitely keeps me on my toes and I know this will only continue over the next several months.
She didn't have a 10 month appointment, and I forgot to post her 9 month stats so here you go: She weighs 20 pounds (she went to the dr. for an ear infection this past week and her weight hasn't changed) and is 28.5 inches tall--both are in the 75th percentile. She didn't have to get any shots (YAY!) but she did have to have routine bloodwork done which may have been worse than the shots! The bloodwork showed she is slightly anemic, so we are starting her on an iron supplement to try and get this back to normal. It's nothing to worry about, but we do hope this isn't something that she has to deal with forever.
Over the past month, we have spent a lot of time with April, Silas, and my parents. Arden and Silas have SO MUCH FUN together, and I think she really misses him when he isn't around. She really enjoys playing with children of any age, so I guess this is good news for us when we decide to have another baby. (NO, this is not a hint that another baby is coming soon!)
I have witnessed Arden's fascination with placing things in her mouth and it really is pretty funny. After trying to stop her from eating the fuzz from the floor a few times, I just decided it couldn't hurt her too bad :). She is a great little baby! We just love spending time with her (and you all of course).
I think she is going to have many fun moments with Judah! It may take him awhile to catch up, but once he does, I am sure they will have a blast! Arden is such a friendly baby, I am sure she will appreciate all future friends and siblings ;)!
Wow, look at that pretty tanned "big girl"! I cannot believe it has been 10 months; where does the time go? I can't wait to see you guys soon and hear all of Arden's babbling!
how cute! by the way, i nominated you as a kreativ blogger. check out my last post for details!
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